Real intervals play an important role in mathematics and the theory of integration because they are the simplest sets whose 'size' or 'measure' or 'length' is easy to define
Investment Criteria
IGC invests in niche manufacturers and industrial services businesses headquartered in the United States or Canada. We endeavor to partner with management teams to develop growth strategies such as launching new products, entering new markets, and acquisition opportunities. We target companies with revenues up to $50 million and a history of profitability and sustainable performance.
For Entrepreneurs
We are passionate about the success of our partnership. We are not a passive investor nor do we think we can do your job better. We do collaborate, we do get involved, and we do seek to leverage every available resource to increase shareholder value.
For Intermediaries
IGC seeks to be the equity sponsor of choice for middle market business owners. Please send an email to to discuss either investment or advisory opportunities.